Wednesday 29 August 2018

Air pollution is making us dumber, Especially in older. shows,

Bali News and Views Editor's Comments: 
Finally scientists have proven something that many of us have known all along, "Air pollution is making us dumber,  Especially in older. men".

Jakarta air pollution
Beijing air Corp. air pollution dangerous for children and adults

Now proven air pollution makes older men dumber

 Anytime I spend more than a couple days in a heavily polluted city such as Jakarta, Mumbai, Shanghai, Quanzhou, Beijing or even Los Angeles I noticed pretty quickly that my brain starts losing capacity.
Lawrence speaking to 300 Agents in Bejing 
So much so that I would never schedule to go too early to any of those cities before I spoke at a  seminar because after a few days of sucking those noxious fumes I would sound foolish at my seminar.

When you add to that all the other health problems associated with heavy pollution such as respiratory illness and even diabetes frankly I can't see how anybody can feel good about living in a city like that and  especially having their children grow up there.
Lawrence with his family living in clean air of Bali 2017
Most do it of course becauselarger polluted cities offer more financial opportunity. 

But what's the use of making money if you don't have your health.  

"What's the use of making money if you don't have your health".  

To me health is wealth. The healthier I am, the more money I can make.
Lawrence, In Jacuzzi breathing some of the freshest air in the world

Solution: The solution is quite easy. Move out of the polluted cities to areas that are still clean and healthy such Bali, especially on the East Coast where I live.

Each day I wake up every morning to air that I believe is some of the purest in the world.

Bali Luxury Retirement Villas:

Just so happens that this article came out at perfect timing for our launch of our brand-new Bali Luxury Retirement Villas which are attractive to the 2 billion baby boomers around the world.

These boomers not only want to escape heavy pollution but they also want to escape high crime gridlocked traffic and especially high cost of living.

Air pollution is making us dumber,  Especially in older. shows,

See more details about how you can do this with the Bali lecture starting as low as $200,000

(CNN)Air pollution could be more damaging to our health than previously thought, according to a new study, which found that prolonged exposure to dirty air has a significant impact on our cognitive abilities, especially in older men.

According to the study published Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, breathing polluted air causes a "steep reduction" in scores on verbal and math tests.

How to manage the (polluted) air you breathe
Researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) examined data from the national China Family Panel Studies longitudinal survey, mapping the cognitive test scores of nearly 32,000 people over the age of 10 between 2010 and 2014 against their exposure to short- and long-term air pollution.

The team found that both verbal and math scores "decreased with increasing cumulative air pollution exposure," with the decline in verbal scores being particularly pronounced among older, less educated men.

"The damage air pollution has on aging brains likely imposes substantial health and economic cost, considering that cognitive functioning is critical for the elderly to both running daily errands and making high-stakes economic decisions," study author Xiaobo Zhang of Peking University said.

Cognitive decline or impairment, which could be caused by air pollution according to the study, are also potential risk factors in developing Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia.

Beijing residents face costly pollution fight 02:32
Pollution exposure was measured using data on air quality, which includes three air pollutants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter.
Air pollution linked to 3.2 million new diabetes cases in one year

Poor hardest hit:

While the study adds to the already numerous health concerns regarding air pollution, it will be of particular concern to developing nations, whose smoggy cities could be hampering national economic development.
"The damage on cognitive ability by air pollution also likely impedes the development of human capital. Therefore, a narrow focus on the negative effect on health may underestimate the total cost of air pollution," Zhang said. "Our findings on the damaging effect of air pollution on cognition imply that the indirect effect of pollution on social welfare could be much larger than previously thought."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nine out of every 10 people on the planet breathe air containing a high level of pollutants, with the worst affected regions being Africa and Asia.

Of the world's top 20 most polluted cities, as measured by the WHO, all are in developing countries. Almost all cities in low to middle-income countries with more than a million residents fail to meet minimum WHO guidelines.

City dwellers aren't the only ones breathing in smog either, a study in January found that 75% of deaths related to air pollution in India were in rural areas.
While some countries, including China, are taking measures to address air pollution, this will also potentially effect economic growth.

Meanwhile, the wealthiest city dwellers are able to buy their way out of smog.
In Beijing, the rich are specially designing their homes and buying appliances to filter out pollutants in their air and water, while poorer residents are stuck breathing in the unfiltered smog, affecting not only their health but also, according to the new study, their cognitive abilities.

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