Tuesday 4 September 2018

It's official: Don't take my advice on property

Not that a 5.6 per cent drop in the Sydney market over the last year is particularly alarming given a rise of more than 70 per cent over five years. Anna Kucera

Share on twitterby Jennifer Hewett

Falling house prices are supposed to make a new generation of would-be home owners feel pleased there might still be a chance to join the great Australian property club.

A generation of Baby Boomer parents should be equally pleased their children won't be permanently locked out of the market even as they anxiously add up the dollars available from their own down-sizing.

Phil Lowe at the Reserve Bank professes similar relief that years of sky-high prices in Sydney and Melbourne are gradually losing altitude.

But, of course, vociferous complaints about unaffordable housing can quickly turn if market falls become too dramatic.
Melbourne rose a mere 57 per cent in the same time frame and is now only down 3.5 per cent for the year. Paul Rovere

That's why the latest CoreLogic figures on the extent of an accelerating decline create a degree of apprehension among policy makers and the public alike.

Not that a 5.6 per cent drop in the Sydney market over the last year is particularly alarming given a rise of more than 70 per cent over five years to last year's peak.

Melbourne rose a mere 57 per cent in the same time frame and is now only down 3.5 per cent for the year.

It's just how much more the Australian market is likely to fall that causes that slight sense of queasiness. All that sensible banker talk of increasing the long-term "sustainability" of the market is only reassuring to a point.

When and why does a controlled and needed correction become something more? And what toll does this take on consumer and business confidence?

Investment in financial future

In my case, the sensitivity is also because I showed my usual financial flair in advising my 20-something daughter and her fiance on housing prospects in Sydney midway through last year.

Yep, that was right around the peak of the market. They should use their time overseas to get into the market and rent the property to make it possible to meet gargantuan repayments, I warned.

The alternative was being unable to afford more than a cubbyhouse on their return to Australia in a couple of years.
I showed my usual financial flair in advising my daughter to buy ... at the top of the market. James Alcock

Admittedly that meant them taking on a truly alarming level of borrowing to buy an unrenovated two-bedroom red brick 1960s apartment. But really, I assured them, this was an investment in their financial future. What could possibly go wrong?

Hmm. With Westpac now having raised rates and the rest of the banks expected to follow, with a lethargic rental market and with a price tag that has only fallen ever since they signed up, I have become more constrained in my propensity to offer lousy financial advice to my other adult children.

I am also now admitting to a clear personal conflict of interest in terms of policy.

Labor's policy to abolish negative gearing and halve capital gains tax deductions was attacked by the Coalition as disastrous but Labor could still argue it made sense in a rising market where the biggest issue was lack of affordability.

There's no doubt such restrictions would now accelerate the downward trend in house prices by compounding all the other forces already at work.
Labor government looks likely

Even if Labor is making an exception for new housing, the flow-on effect to the rest of the housing market certainly won't be neatly contained in the way that Chris Bowen suggests.

Particularly given the political gyrations of the last few weeks, a Labor government by mid next year at the latest is looking far more likely.

Nor will the impact of Labor's additional restrictions necessarily stop with housing given the general climate on lending and sluggishness in much of the domestic economy despite the rebound in resource exports.

Weak figures on business investment showed up last week in the regular survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Wednesday's release of the national accounts for the June quarter will reflect the continued flatness of real wages growth and soft consumer spending. Add in the drought afflicting Queensland and NSW.

Banks have already made it much more difficult to obtain credit, egged on first by the regulators restricting investor lending and now by the revelations of the royal commission about lax lending standards and checks in some cases.

Small business owners traditionally must use equity in their homes to qualify for business loans. That too becomes much trickier in a market going down rather than holding steady or going up.
Expect confidence from RBA

Phil Lowe and some other members of the Reserve Bank will be expressing their thoughts on all this on Tuesday in Perth where the RBA is holding a policy meeting and board dinner.

The West Australian economy is hardly a good news story with most domestic businesses and the housing market in a protracted slump.

But the RBA is certain to sound relatively confident about the strength of the Australian economy overall despite cold trade winds blowing in from the Trump White House.

The big boost to state government infrastructure spending, especially in NSW and Victoria, certainly helps the momentum while unemployment remains relatively low with the jobs market still generating plentiful openings.

The pounding of the Australian dollar helps exports while importing some inflation of prices from overseas no longer seems like a mortal sin.

And, so far, at least the housing market bubble in Sydney and Melbourne has air escaping gradually rather than in a panic.

Despite the new political focus on the high levels of immigration in these cities, Scott Morrison also seems to have no interest in slowing population growth even as the Coalition tries once more to figure out how to push more migrants to the regions rather than big cities. This growth should underpin demand and therefore limit further price falls.

It will all work out fine again in the end, surely?

But don't take my advice. Just ask my daughter.

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