Sunday 28 June 2020

New Demand for Bali Real Estate the "Bali Digital Nomad"

Editor's Comments:
Editor Lawrence  President, Director, Realtor, Developer
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Just the other day I met with a couple who had just rented one of our Bali Luxury Villas for year.
She was a Canadian like myself and he was an American.

They explained to me that they lived in Beijing and still had two children and family there. They got stuck when they came down to Bali for the Chinese New Year and couldn't get a flight back.

They have now decided after spending a week in our Bali Luxury Villas with good Internet connections, fresh air everything within walking distance they really don't need to go back to Beijing.

They can become a new class of Bali, the "Bali Digital Nomads

 "New class of Bali, the "Bali Digital Nomad"

 I believe during the coronavirus lockdowns a lot of people are discovering they don't need to go to an office to work in their chosen profession.

The American husband for example said that he he normally works from his home wherever he is in the world.

Now the wife has discovered that she can now do her job from her home as well.

Now all they have to do is for wait for their two children to be able to come down, which probably will be in the near future, as international travel from China should open up as early as next month.

This is good news for Bali as Digital Nomads along with what I believe will be a huge influx from Baby Boomers who want to live a life of luxury with private maids and the cost of living  70% less then their home country will be the next people to settle in Bali. 

They will also be the next major demand for Bali real estate, creating another bull market.

This will take the pressure off the tourist industry and reale state markets.

In the future Bali will not be so sensitive to things such as volcanoes and world economies.

Yet another example of the saying "every adversity has within it the seed of an equal greater benefit"

This couple discovered they don't have to live in a expensive, crowded,  polluted, stressful city like Beijing when they can live in Bali and still do the job.

People like them will share their experiences with friends relatives and others throughout the digital networks and soon there will be an influx of digital nomads.

Sunday, June 28, 2020 | 09:55

Popular Bali shoots "Digital Nomad" with great potential
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JAKARTA--the opportunity is always open, anywhere and anytime. Although the Corona virus pandemic (Covid-19) Chastens to date and has destroyed various business sectors, especially tourism, there are new opportunities that can be developed ahead.

Many corporate executives in the world who become accustomed to working from home (work from homes — WFH) and apparently businesses can walk. That means, business can be run from afar through the help of technology that is increasingly sophisticated so it is not always have to come face to face with employees and relationships. 

Technology has made it easy for them to work even in the difficulty of this pandemic. They are referred to as Digital nomads.

The digital Nomad was accustomed to working anywhere, especially in a safe and convenient area as well as having the support of good and stable means of communication. They, executives and business controllers looking for a place to fulfill a passion can work quietly, without the distractions and noise of major cities.

The new situation that seems to motivate the government to develop tourism Bali is aiming for new opportunities. Ambassador RI to China Djauhari Oratmangun participated in the idea of Work from Bali to investors in a seminar titled China Enterprises Going Global Risk Conference: 2020 Global Investment Services Forum and Foreign Embassies and Overseas Industrial Parks ' Promotion Information Release in Beijing, some time ago.

"Tagar Work from Home during a time of pandemic has the opportunity to become a Work from Bali Pascapandemi," said Djauhari. For foreigners, he said, working from Bali provides its own benefits. In addition to the cost of living relatively cheaper, quality of life is also more assured because of the environmental sustainability that is maintained.

The Seminar was attended by 50 participants with a seating distance of approximately 4 meters each, which was followed online by 2,000 people from various companies and business associations in China was held by Jiang Tai International Associates (JTIA), an organization that is affiliated with various Chinese investors. JTIA's main task is to identify potential destination countries and provide recommendations for companies that will invest overseas.

Bali Deputy Governor Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati said "working from Bali" potential developed on the island of the gods. "Pandemic COVID-19 is the right momentum. This pandemic on the other hand produces new habits, work not merely from the office. Working more healthy, more fresh, without the need to rent a office or crowded in elevators, "said Wagub who was called Cok Ace when opening the Webinar series #5 with the title" Road Map to Bali Next Normal Imagine Working From Bali, Why Not "in Denpasar, last week.

"I so remembered the story of a French citizen who in the period of a year can be twice a visit to Bali in a long time span. Apparently he did deliberately work from Bali. Living in Bali to take care of his company with a small laptop capital, and a simple Villa terrace in Ubud, "said Cok Ace.

From the story, he is able to do the "working from Bali". This opportunity can be developed as a new tourist destination in Bali, namely by developing a "working space" that is adequate for tourists like this. Moreover, Bali has a big capital for that matter. Firstly, the air is relatively clean with steady weather throughout the year. Then, breathtaking scenery, white sand, blue skies, is a real "clean" embodiment.

Bali has its own vibration, a "healing power" that is obtained from various ceremonies carried out almost every day. Provide tranquility for anyone. In the aspect of safety and comfort, Balinese people are very famous for their hospitality, hospitality. The Balinese are very accepting the difference and as long as it does not cause offense, it will be very easy for an outside person to be comfortable in Bali.

So the idea of attracting digital nomads to work longer in Bali should be supported as this is a breakthrough with good prospects. The potential is large and estimated in a year Indonesia can attract foreign exchange of US $2billion from this segment. If successful it is an inspiration for other areas to campaign for similar ideas.

In the future certainly not just Bali that can be developed to meet the needs of the executives of large companies of the world. In Indonesia, many locations can be developed, which must be prepared by the Government well, especially the facilities and infrastructure of telecommunications, comfort and security as well as adequate accommodation. BC

News Source: Various sources

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