Wednesday 2 December 2020

Australia's housing market roars back, boosting wealth and construction

Editor's comments: sounds like there's some bullish news for the Australian real estate market finally.

I hate to be the one to be negative but I can't see prices increasing too much unless Australia solves the problem of trade wars with China right now.

Also we must remember the main reason that Australian real estate increased significantly the last decade was because of Chinese buying for investment.

As far as I know I've not read anything that tells me that the Australian government has stopped curtailing Chinese purchases after pressure from Australian citizens.

So my suggestion is if you need a home yes by all means consider buying one if you have the means. If your job or your business relies on Chinese purchasing of raw materials etc. you better hold off until the problem is solved with China.

There are much greener pastures such as Bali where homes, villas and land selling for for 20% to 50% off January prices.

We know when this pandemic finishes people will be flocking  back to Bali.
Bali will have record tourism and record real estate demand once again.

This is an opportunity of a lifetime.

Check out our Bali distressed properties here or our normal inventory of listings most of which are also discounted here.

Record-low interest rates stoking demand from first-time buyers, lifting approvals for new homes to 20-year highs.

WED, DEC 02, 2020 - 5:50 AM

The construction sector is showing signs of revival with approvals for new homes beating all expectations with a rise of 3.8 per cent in October.


AUSTRALIA'S housing market has come roaring back to life as record-low interest rates stoke demand from first-time buyers, lifting approvals for new homes to 20-year highs and delivering a major windfall to consumer wealth.

Data from property consultant CoreLogic out on Tuesday showed home prices rose 0.8 per cent in November, twice the gain seen in October, leaving them 3.1 per cent up on the year.

It has already revived the construction sector with approvals for new homes beating all expectations with a rise of 3.8 per cent in October. 

Approvals for detached houses were up almost 32 per cent on a year ago, at the highest since 2000.

That was a remarkable turnaround from the depths of the novel coronavirus lockdown in April when analysts feared home prices could dive 10 per cent or more this year, and owes much to aggressive fiscal and monetary easing.

Just last month, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut rates to an all-time low of 0.1 per cent and ramped up its bond buying in an effort to compress mortgage costs even further.

The central bank stood pat at its last policy meeting of the year on Tuesday, as expected, as recent data points to a faster economic recovery than first thought.

Figures due on Wednesday are forecast to show gross domestic product (GDP) rebounded by 2.5 per cent in the third quarter, the largest gain since 2008. That would partially recoup the second quarter's 7.0 per cent decline and leave output down 4.5 per cent on the year.

Consumer spending has led the recovery as massive fiscal stimulus underpinned incomes and employment. Data out on Tuesday showed government spending rose another 1.2 per cent in the third quarter, adding 0.3 percentage points to GDP.

All this spending did suck in more foreign goods such that net exports subtracted a sizeable 1.9 percentage points from GDP in the quarter.

Yet the strength of Chinese demand for Australian resources meant the country still notched up a solid current account surplus of A$10 billion. REUTERS

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